Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So Help us God

George Washington made the following statements:

“What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ.” [speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs May 12, 1779]

"To the distinguished character of patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian" [May 2, 1778, at Valley Forge]

During his inauguration, Washington took the oath as prescribed by the Constitution but added several religious components to that official ceremony. Before taking his oath of office, he summoned a Bible on which to take the oath, added the words “So help me God!” to the end of the oath, then leaned over and kissed the Bible.


I was checking out a movie recently on "screenit.com." You can go there to find out the details of a movie before you see it. And a PG movie used the curse word G-d seven times. I couldn't believe it. A word that use to be found only in R movies has now become one of the only curse words allowed to be used in PG. I thought, "Did I sleep through something?" I found this to be a statement of a far greater truth. A truth that if those who are offended remain silent will eventually be the only truth that remains. That "while we're sleeping" every thing that we hold of value will be subtle and craftily brought to nothing.

I was in Atlanta two weeks ago at a conference where one of the speakers said, "America isn't making decisions that could lead to judgement, America is already in the judgement of the decisions it has made." I sat there letting these words resonate over and over in my mind and realized that this is probably true.

I remember when I was in middle school and the voice came over the loud speaker that we were going to have a moment of silent prayer, every head around me bowed. Now, whenever I substitute in public school and take my Bible, because I couldn't get up early enough to read it before I left, I wonder if a child is going to see me, tell the principle or their parent and they will ask me to either not come back or not to bring my Bible with me if I do. I remember when I was little Three's Company was the raciest show on television. And now we have homosexual relationships shown on regular television with normalacy. I remember when children were seen as a heritage of the Lord and God had created plans for us before we were even in our mother's wombs and now the rights of sea turtles are more protected than the rights of the unborn. I remember when there was a standard of right and wrong, black and white, truth and lies. And now there is a no standard, truth is relative.

The saddest statement in that entire paragraph? "I remember when..." With each day that has gone by over the last couple decades truth has been taken over by relativism. But it doesn't mean that truth has changed. Truth will never change. We're told in the Gospel of John that "God's word is truth." And it is that truth that will set us free.

In this political season our nation stands more divided than it ever has before. But I still believe that our salvation isn't found in politicians. It is found in the cross. And being obedient to the statutes of the Word of God. Granted we have an obligation. We have an obligation and a privilege to vote in this next election. And I think God has allowed the gods of this world to be exploited for the weak imitations that they are. The god of Wall Street has been revealed as the cheap imitation that he is when the storms of life have come. I've taught on storms for years. And my bible tells me that it doesn't matter how we build, wise or foolish, storms will come. The difference is the aftermath. Those who have built on the rock will still be standing, those that have built on the things of their flesh will collapse.

I won't tell you who to vote for. I will tell you however, that nations in the Bible usually got the leaders they deserved. What I will ask you to do is search the Word of God. Seek Him while He may be found. Because I can't help but wonder if as the last twenty years have continued to silence and repress the body of Christ, that there may come a time when we will find ourselves in prison once again for the cause of Christ.

In the words of George Washington, "So help us God..." Yes, God help us.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Vision-Worth Running For

When I found Ms. T.J. Williams, the automotive teacher, the only thing not sticking out of the hood of the car was her head. I believe that was stuck somewhere inside the engine. When she finally came up for air she informed her students, "Tell Mrs. Anderson she needs a new alternator." I had originally met Ms. Williams a couple months ago at the open house for Maplewood High School in Nashville. She had told me then that her babies came into school hungry every morning so she had made a "snack table". I was there because my small group had decided we wanted to contribute to her "snack table." So I came bearing juices, granola bars, peanut butter and cheese crackers and Little Debbie cakes...mmm...

As we walked out to my car she was telling me what this place had been like just a little over a year ago. She had been called in to help pull this school out of its lowest ranking in all of metro county. She said when she arrived the teacher before her had stolen most all of the equipment that they did have. What he had left was broken and worn out. There were mattresses laying all around the garage because the past years of automotive classes were spent smoking dope and "hanging out". And she had one day to pull it all together. She picked up the phone to call a friend and tell her what it looked like. "But I have a vision for it." Ms. Williams said. Her friend told her, "Well, write it down then. Like it says in Habakkuk." So, write it down she did. She said, "I told the Lord I want all our equipment to be in red like the color of your blood."

"But I knew I wouldn't get all of that equipment by the next day when school started, so I had to start somewhere. So, I cleaned this place up, threw all those old mattresses away and let those babies know that it was a new day!"

And an even newer day when I got there. The best equipment you'd ever want to find in an automotive garage exists in Ms. Williams classroom. And what color do you think it is? You guessed it. Red! Everything is red. The Car lifts, the tool boxes, the tools. Not to mention the fully equipped classroom off of the garage with twenty personal computers and a "smart board." And she gave all the praise to Jesus.

When I had been pondering things worth running for, this same passage in Habakkuk had come up in my heart, not even knowing Ms. Williams would confirm it when I got to see her. But I thought about how vision is worth running for. Habakkuk 2:2 says, "Write the vision down. Make it plain on the tablets that those who read it will run with it."

Ever had a vision? Ever had something burning in your heart? Or how about this...Ever had a season without vision causing you to wonder what life was worth? That's why the scriptures say, "Where there is no vision the people perish." We were created for vision. We were created to dream and create and produce.

So, what's holding you back? Fear? The Economy? Waiting for November 4th? Your own feelings of inadequacy? Granted there are some visions that have a gestation process. But there also comes a time when vision has to be acted upon inspite of what is going on around you. Why does vision matter? Because vision breeds vision. When Ms. Williams cleaned up that garage and those students arrived they realized they were now worth more than dirty mattresses and dope! They realized they were worth the finest of tools, the finest of computers, and the best of teachers.

When I got to that garage I was met by derelicts. I was met by kids whose heads were stuck up under that hood with Ms. Williams. I was met by "yes mam," "thank you so much mam." Someone is waiting on your vision. Because I'll say it again, Vision Breeds Vision. Don't wait on utopia. We are never going to have heaven on earth until Jesus comes back and creates a new earth. So, why not bring a little bit of heaven into the hell that so many now live in. I'm going to get my journal because I've got a vision to write down...and when I'm done I'm putting on my running shoes...I'd love to pass you on the street...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Freedom-Worth Running For

As I’ve been thinking this past week about those things worth running for, I reflected on the story in the Gospels, but specifically the account in Mark, about the demon-possessed man who lived in the tombs. There aren’t a lot of accounts in the Bible where people actually ran. That’s why I think this one touched me so much this week. Because what I see in this story is how the freedom of our soul is worth running for.

has just spent the night out on the boat with his disciples. A storm had come up and they were petrified and he had stopped the storm and reprimanded his boys over their lack of faith. And now it’s morning and Jesus steps out on to the shore and the first thing that happens is a demon possessed man runs and worships him.

before you get fearful that I’m about to do a discourse on the origin of demons, have no fear. There are two things I’ve always tried to steer clear from, dead people and demons. But I do know what bondage looks like. And I’m not sure in all of scripture if anyone was ever in need of freedom more desperately than this man at this moment.

told that he spent all day and all night living in the tombs, walking in the mountains and as he walked around he would scream and beat and cut himself. How many different ways can you say tormented? But there is something so beautiful even in the midst of his torment. When Jesus got close, in spite of the demons who were wreaking havoc on his body and soul, something inside of him still realized the power that Jesus held and he didn’t walk to him, he didn’t run from him, he ran toward him and didn’t stop there. We’re then told that he fell on his knees and worshipped him.

is that? How is it that someone can be so in bondage to their sin and so controlled by whatever vice of choice Satan has craftily snared them in and when Jesus gets near this man, who doesn’t have the wherewithal to get out from among the dead things, or to quit abusing his own body, can run to Jesus and fall at his feet and worship him?

think the secret is found in Ecclesiastes 3:11 “God set eternity in the hearts of man.” What does that mean? Basically, God set us up. When he created us, He placed inside of us an eternity, God shaped hole, that only He could fill. And no matter what we've tried to fill it with, it would never be satisfied until it found the one who had actually created the void, knowing that only He could fill it.

is a sermon in this passage that I can’t post here on this blog. But for this moment, this is the message. I’m not sure what torment might have a death grip on your soul. I’m not sure what dead things you might have made your home among. Maybe it’s the torment of your past, the pain of regret, or the vice of shame. Maybe it’s addiction or anger or adultery. But whatever it is we have to realize that God didn’t make His children to live among things that are dead and diseased and life killers. He created us to live among things that are living and life giving.

other thing He needs us to know is that He is right here. He’s gotten out of the boat, stepped onto the soil of our hearts and is letting us know that He has freedom for us. He has the ability to truly set us free. Heal us in our deepest places and put us back in our right mind, in right relationship, in our rightful position.

and I won’t get a lot of opportunities in this life worth running for. But if you are in desperate need of freedom, of healing, of wholeness, that my friend is a prime opportunity for running. Run to Him. Don’t walk. Don’t think about it. If you spend too much time doing that then the “accuser of the brethren”, the one who got you to this place of torment, will convince you that freedom isn’t available, or worse yet you’re not worthy of it. Trust me, freedom is always available and their isn't one of us around worthy of it!

today. Don’t walk. Don’t think. Don’t process. Just run. And when you do you will find that He is right there. Standing on shore. Right at the doorstep of your tomb…And He whom the Son has set free is free indeed.

One last thing, the most amazing thing to me about this passage of scripture is that not even the demons that lived inside of him, and they were numbered as legions, were capable of preventing him from running to Jesus. I think that makes the old saying true, "not a demon in hell will stop me." This is one man who wouldn't even let demons prevent him from being free.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Who Ran First?

My mother has tons of old sayings. Like whenever the chicken fries up just perfect she will say, “Well, the moon must be just right in the sky.” And it could be the middle of the afternoon out there, but the moon is still somewhere and wherever it is it is just right. Whenever my nose itches she says, “Somebody’s coming to see you.” Or when your left hand itches she says, “You're going to get money.” And whenever the sky holds the perfect sunset that resembles a painting, She always says, “God must have painted that sky just for me.”

has said that for years. So, now I can’t see a beautiful sunset without thinking of her and saying, “Yes, God must have painted that sky just for my mother.” And I kind of feel that way at sunrises. Like this one I just captured last week on Paradise Island from my own camera... I had a season of my life where I really enjoyed running, especially in that early part of the morning right between the final remnants of yesterday and first part of the new day. Watching the sun break through darkness is absolutely one of my favorite things. I called this “tilling time” in my Savannah series, where Savannah started her day out running and just having that dialogue with the Lord.

I don’t run quite as much as I use to for a host of reasons. But every now and then, like last week, before the sun came up, I just wanted to run. Then Friday, I’m reading this passage in Proverbs 4:12 that has me thinking. “When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered-your path will be clear and open; and when you run you shall not stumble.” I wrote this down and then put two questions below it. When do I walk? When do I run? I sat there for a minute just staring at those two questions and asking myself. When do I run? When are the times in my life that I don't simply need to walk, but I need to run.

So, I began thinking about people in the Bible that at one time or another ran. The word walk is found often in the Bible-occurs 212 times in the Bible, while run only occurs 71 times. So, obviously walking is done far more often. But there are moments when people run. And that was what was tugging at me. When do I run? Because it doesn’t say “if” you run. But “when” you run. So, what are the times in my life where running isn’t just available but necessary?
The very first place my mind went was the scene in Luke 15 when the father of the prodigal son runs to meet him. This scene is a powerful scene and preached on so often. But it is usually used as an analogy of how God waits on us and our prodigal hearts to come home. And then I realized before I can run anywhere and accomplish anything, I have to first realize that He ran to me. Just like the father of the prodigal ran to meet His son. That’s exactly what God did with me. He ran after me.

it was even more than that. Not only did He run after me, He was looking for me. Luke 15 says that even while the prodigal was way down the street his father saw him. Now I don’t know about you, but that has me picturing the father standing at the window. Looking. Waiting.

use to sit at the window of my dad’s office in Greenwood, Indiana with my best friend Dawn McPherson watching and waiting and ‘hoping and praying’ for Donnie Osmond to come over the top of the hill past the corn field and to my door. Trust me, I would have seen him a mile away. After all I knew what he’d be wearing too, since I had my Donnie and Marie dolls and everything.

I have to believe that God has waited at the same window for you and me. Just hoping we would get close enough and when we did he would run to meet us. Desperate to wrap His arms around us. Tell us about the sleepless nights He’s spent waiting for our hearts to be willing to turn in the direction of home. (I know God never slumbers or sleep, but this is my way of relating this story...) Knowing that if we would just turn the corner and head back He would grab us and not let us go.

going to talk this month about things worth running for. But before we can understand or appreciate or even be able to run towards something, we have to have a clear understanding of who ran first. The Creator of Heaven and Earth found you and I worth chasing. Worth looking for. Worth running after.

I love those scenes in cheesy romantic movies where the man and woman take two full hours to figure out they are destined to be together and then they take that final run towards one another. They end in a passionate embrace while the credits roll.

this is far more than a cheesy movie. This is the story of our lives. And in order for any credits to roll, we first have to be willing to receive the love that has been chasing us, looking for us, waiting for us. When we do, then we can begin to fully realize all that is worth running towards ourselves.

you turn towards home. I guarantee you’ll find He’s been looking for you...