Monday, November 24, 2008

What I'm Thankful For - Part Two

I'm thankful for memory. Especially when I get to a room and can't remember why I walked in there. Then, it hits me...and I think, "Whew, glad I remembered that."
I'm thankful Maggie will stare at me until I feed her in the moments when I don't remember.
I'm thankful for the people who have invested in my life when it offered them nothing much in return.
I'm thankful for those three hours dinners with my best friend and no lack of conversation.
I'm thankful that Leo decided to open a restaurant and make chicken wings.
I'm thankful for a season that makes us pause to remember what we're thankful for.
I'm thankful for the woman who created cute socks to sleep in.
I'm thankful for those days when the weather is so perfect that you have to drive around with the sunroof opened and the windows rolled down.
I'm thankful for the Gamecocks.
I'm thankful for people who found their words worth writing down and time in my day to read their books.
I'm thankful for travel size Lysol.

I'm thankful that Jack's back. (Well at least he was last night for two hours and will be back for good in January.)
I'm thankful for makeup.

I'm thankful for Cromer's who makes the best boiled peanuts.

I'm thankful laughter, the kind that you feel in your gut and experience in your soul.
I'm thankful for tears that come right before healing takes place.
I'm thankful for people who are willing to be morticians, because Lord knows I would never do it!
I'm thankful every time I hear Maggie snore because that means she's still alive. (She's 14 on Christmas Eve...)
I'm thankful that Sophie doesn't care when baby Georgia pulls her hair.
I'm thankful that Georgia can laugh now because it is the most wonderful sound in the world...
I'm thankful for long car trips because it gives me time to catch up with old friends, listen to books on tape and sing to the top of my lungs.
I'm thankful for old friends who have known you since you were little and can reminisce with you about the "remember when..."
I'm thankful for my older brother who didn't mind taking me to school when he was a senior and I was a freshman. (So not cool...)
I'm thankful for my baby brother who I now like.
I'm thankful for my sister-in-laws who don't mind listening to me talk and both know how to make me laugh.
I'm thankful for my niece Hannah who is beautiful and so grown up.
I'm thankful for my niece Lauren who is compassionate and precious.
I'm thankful for my niece Abigail who does the best Elvis impersonation and whose voice I love to hear on the other end of the line.
I'm thankful for Jake who brought some testosterone to all that estrogen and whose smile can melt my heart.
I'm thankful for my mom who is a lady of grace and character, kindness and strength.
I'm thankful for my dad who is loving, funny and available.
And I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father who has fathered me this past season of my life in a way I've never been fathered before. Loved me to a depth of soul I didn't know existed inside of me. And healed me in a way there were days I didn't believe existed.
May each of us take time to remember all that we have to be thankful for. And may we take the time to tell those closest to us just what they mean to us. So, please know how thankful I am for you...

Happy Thanksgiving


Anonymous said...

Beautiful . . .

Carol Murdock said...

I am thankful I found your blog..
It lifts me up!