Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Prayer

Forgive us when we've held onto our money tighter than we've held to your hand.
Forgive us when we've let the hands of caring for the hurting, the hungry, the homeless fall to the government instead of the church.
Forgive us when we've fought harder to protect the lives of animals more than the lives of children.
Forgive us when we've allowed tolerance to become a word that means accepting sin.
Forgive us when we've rebuffed those who are bound by their sin, instead of lovingly and tirelessly walking with them to freedom.
Forgive us when we've held onto our religious traditions at the cost of valuing souls.
Forgive us when we've let our liberties turn into the very things that now hold us in bondage.
Forgive us when we've removed your name from our schools and then cursed you claiming you didn't protect our children.
Forgive us when we've accepted handouts from the government and our bodies were able to work for our own provision.
Forgive us when we've found you as the inconvenience in this world when we have been called to be foreigners and strangers in it.
Forgive us when we've allowed others to define our truth instead of the One who is the Truth.
Forgive us when we've lived our lives as if they were upside down. Calling that which is wrong, right. Calling that which is a lie, truth.
Forgive us when we haven't gone the extra mile, haven't fought the good fight, or haven't kept the faith.
Forgive us when we've gotten tired in the well doing.
Forgive us we pray.
And as we pray this prayer, may we now hear from you and may you heal our land.
We're in desperate need of healing.
We're divided as never before.
Broken as few have ever seen.
Desperate as we may never be again.
Basically Lord, we're in the perfect position for You. Hear the prayers of your people.
Forgive us.
Heal us.
Save us.
This is our prayer. And you the only one might enough to save.


Anonymous said...

Thanks very much for this. Puts it all into perspective.

Anonymous said... a loss for words...

daniella said...

Amen, sister! You are one breath of fresh air.

He IS mighty to save. Thank God His mercies renew every morning!

Anonymous said...

Denise-- You are right on today with this blog. I hope people will put aside their different opinions and pray for our new president -elect. He has a lot on his plate with every thing that is going on in this world today. MAry yetta

Anonymous said...

AMEN, Amen, amen...

from a devoted reader and a fellow Christian...